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Saturday, November 16, 2002

The Differing Visage of The Worldhood in Accordance with Gender

"I have to have you far too much / I have to grab, I have to touch / I have to feel your every curve / I have to stir each little nerve / I want the pleasure, I want the pain / I want to overload my brain / I'm going . . . "
So, over the course of the past few . . . Mmm, I guess it's been months or so, I've been having a series of different conversations, for entirely unrelated reasons, about the same basic subject matter: the different perspective of reality between the two sexes.
". . . I want to squeeze your living flesh / Oh, to be buried in your chest / Or steamy breath and gripping bone / I may be lost but not alone / I'm going in, not coming out / I'm going in, not coming out / I'm going . . . "
I have one friend, she has this problem. Actually, it's a combination of several problems, at least that's my conclusion. She enjoys roleplaying over AIM, or the Internet, in general, whatever the medium, it's rather irrelevant (Surprisingly, she's in my Dungeons & Dragons group). So, she picks a character from an anime and finds various people via AOL to act out scenes, don't ask me from what or in relation to what . . . It seems to be just an ongoing, off-the-cuff, fictional set of scenarios that may possibly have occurred if an event went one way instead of the other.
Let's skip needless detail, here, though, which I've probably already failed at doing. What it boils down to here is that she's a woman, and she's roleplaying with, primarily although not exclusively, males. She doesn't give a flying fuck about these guys in relation to their real life, for the most past – But, she gives them her picture, she flirts with them in character. . .
(By the way, the first person to suggest I'm referring to myself in third person gets pummeled to death with a blue trash can.)
I think the result of this is pretty much blatant, she has a veritable trail of guys who have become infatuated with her. Not so much a problem, except for the fact, for one, she doesn't care about these guys, and, for two, she has a boyfriend.
". . . I stare at everything that moves / I look all over, pick and choose / Well, I don't want just anyone / I only want just everyone / I know it's not for me to take / I think my mind is going to break / I'm going . . . "
Let me give an example of one case in point. There was this Shinji Ikari roleplayer . . . While I was sitting at her computer, he messages my friend, and I (actually being nice for a change) respond with, "[my friend]'s not available at the moment, please leave a message." Yeah, normal enough, eh? This guy's response is to flip out about how my friend, apparently, is only a "fair weather friend" that constantly tells him she'll "brb" (be right back) and never comes back, or, mostly, just ignores his messages. For whatever reason, this jackfuck thinks that my response was her brushing him, so I tell him that she's in the shower, and when she comes and talks to him, he gives her a permanent farewell and proclaims he will never message her, again.
To paraphrase my friend's response, "Boo frickin' hoo." That, and a lot of eye rolling and sighs of exasperation. My response is, "What do you expect from someone who roleplays Shinji, in the first place?"
" . . . My self-control is very fine / Considering what's on my mind / But I don't want to hurt and hate / I simply have to copulate / The more I see, the more I want / The more I see, the more I want / I'm going . . . "
Heh, I chuckle thinking about this . . . Another case in point. This time, an Inuyasha roleplayer. It turns out this one lives near the college campus, by chance, and he decides to attend the anime club meeting which she presides over as the President. (I being the Technical Officer.) He shows up, and while he doesn't do anything overtly disconcerting, his laugh is loud and much like a girl's. In fact, when I first heard it, I looked over and thought it was my friend laughing, but a bit off. He has also brought plushies and is being rather protective of them, in a coddling motherlike fashion. All in all, this is an example of your typical nervous fanboy.
Sure, I'm probably a jackhole for categorising people like that, and I rail against stereotypes and societal standards all the time, but . . . Yeah, whatever academic intent I had with this Blog entry is gone, by now – I can't think seriously about this too long.
Oh, oh, that's right, I had an actual point to this . . .
As hard as I have tried, and with the assistance of another friend of mine (male), I can not explain exactly, in a such a way that gets through to my friend, why these guys all get infatuated with her, despite the fact that it's obvious to any man, if you ask me. It's interesting to me that these obvious implications that I can read from women and how they act, what they say, they, themselves, do not understand they're giving. This wouldn't be anything confusing except for the fact that there are plenty of instances when the same signals given the same way are intentional, not accidental.
" . . . I have to have you far too much / I have to grab, I have to touch / I have to feel your every curve / I have to stir each little nerve / I want the pleasure, I want the pain / I want to overload my brain / I'm going . . . "
Simply interacting with a guy over the Internet is practically flirting, due to an equation I'd like to take credit for, but my other friend (the same male one that tried to assist me in explaining this concept) came up with: computer + penis = social ineptitude. Yes, this is mean, but you have to understand that I'm a cynical bastard and the friend who said that is a cynical asshole.
In fact, both of us are Computer Science majors, and spend a large portion of our time on computers. Simply put, though, we don't pretend that computer-driven interaction is any semblance or satisfactory sort of substitute for real social stimulation, though. These guys are reading way too much into text on a screen, basically. I'd also like to point out I don't, in any case, advocate any form of an "online relationship." Your personality does not transmit through 1's and 0's anywhere near the same way it does in person, so it's almost like you are a different persona, even if attempting to be yourself. However, I digress from this point, that whole train of thought is better left saved for a less comedic entry.
Not only does she talk to this guys, extensively, but she gives them her picture. I think that is something she has learned is a bad idea, over time, at least. And it may be relevant to point out that she usually roleplays a character with romantic interest in whichever character the other person is roleplaying. She as Asuka Langley from Neon Genesis Evangelion, and some guy as Shinji Ikari. Or, she as Kagome from Inuyasha, with an Inuyasha player. Her as Rem Saverem from Trigun, with a Vash. You get the picture by now, I suppose. I hope I'm not the only one surprised that these guys gradually grow like a parasite on her side, utterly enamored and infatuated, clinging like a barnacle to a ship's hull. If you can't tell, I don't think too highly of those who develop feelings over the ‘net.
Hm . . . I think I've entirely derailed this entry from my original intent: women don't understand how men think, nor vice versa (but that's not the subject of this specific post, especially since I can't speak from a woman's point of view, nor will I ever be able to do so).
So, what all this does for me, this observation and careful note-taking, is completely and utterly confound me as to when and when not to take a hint from a woman. Here we have one woman, a friend of mine, who is appearing to flirt to some, but is not. Or maybe is, in a subversive way? Fuck if I can tell. I think it's all just an amusing game played by God on the human race, the mind game of opposite sex interaction. Yeah, God's sniggering as I write this, I bet. I'm just happy not to be a victim of this particular set of scenarios.
Ergh, this has turned out to be prolonged rambling, so . . .
" . . . SEX MAD! SEX MAD! SEX MAD! SEX MAD! SEX MAD!" - Nomeansno, "Sex Mad," off of Sex Mad / You Kill Me
