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Monday, October 14, 2002

A Return in Contradistinction to Departure

Well, I realised that it had been a few months since I last put up my notice that I would be taking a break from my Blog, to reorganise and restructure things. As of the 11th of this month, this website has been taking up virtual space for six months or so. I had such grandiose plans for that milestone, a new design, a stockpile of entries. Suffice it to say that, due to extenuating circumstances, neither of those happened. I didn't write all that much during my sabbatical, nothing I find overly interesting, even though I wrote it myself. "Le sigh," say I, which is an expression I have no idea why I picked up, as of late, and rubbed off on a friend.
For now, I'm going to leave it at this blurb of an entry, which is mostly to notify the world of readers I have (read: nobody) that I am not dead, and that I will resume posting in the near future. I have plans! Don't get me wrong, I haven't been entirely disregarding this thing for the two months I spent doing more important things, like playing Dungeons & Dragons and Neverwinter Nights. (No, I really did attend to higher business, in all seriousness.) This entry, itself, is so disjointed and rambling that I should end it here and now.
One last thing, I'm brewing up my first real post, within which I hope to explain this Blogspot insofar as possible why I do certain things how I do them. Right now, though, my inability to form coherent and intelligent sentences is causing me physical pain, as I read over what I've written. Until then . . .


Currently Playing Song: Fugazi's "Cashout," off of The Argument.
Quote of the Moment: "Le sigh." (Sweet Lord, this is pitiful.)