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Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Disclaimer: This entry has been deemed unnecessary and pointless by the Author, and any further reading past this point is completely and utterly up to the educated discretion of the Reader; be forewarned that all warranties have expired, all injuries are not liable to be covered by insurance, and all guarantees previously stated void where prohibited by law and good taste. [Editor's Note: If it weren't true that the Editor and Author are the same person, this would be the part where the Editor quips something witty, but, alas, that is not to be found here.]

An Equivocal Instance of Vindication

Hmph, it's been awhile since I updated this, and I still won't have really done much once this entry is over with, either. I just felt obligated to put this up as a kind of marker that reads, "Hey, I'm not dead, but I'm not completely in commission." The past two weeks have been pretty busy for me, what with backing up almost fifty CDs worth of data (Read: 40 CDs of anime, 4 of music, and 5 of personal data, and 1 just for Chess save-games), formatting followed by restoration of all necessary files, the commencement of my maintenance program for my computer (Decided that letting it run until it dies isn't the best way to operate), English work including two papers and the ever-present Writer's Workbook, and various, extracurricular activities (Drawing, writing, listening to music while aimlessly walking around, brooding, the such). Oh, and for the past couple of days, I've been absorbed into my latest addiction called a game, Neverwinter Nights. I just wrote a rough outline of what all I need to write, or, rather, will choose to write, for this Blog, and it struck me just now to add Neverwinter Nights into the list of things to review. The best Role-Playing Game ever may be a hyperbole, but that's what I'm thinking, now, in the midst of having my head cleanly jammed up its ass, figuratively speaking.
That's what I have been doing in the recent past, and now for my list of grievances, er, excuse me, priorities to be taken care of in the near future. Firstly, I have two actual class days left for English, then a final exam if I am not exempt (I suspect I will be, but you never know for sure until the professor tells you, in person). With the end of class drawing very near, that means one day this coming weekend will be dedicating to me polishing up the Writer's Workbook, adding a bunch of bonus material like typed-up quizzes (If you knew what my handwriting looked like, you'd understand why the teacher would relish in seeing what I wrote in clean, legible type), redone essays, and, possibly, a few choice excerpts from this Blogspot and other examples of my informal writing. So, yeah, there's that, which will occupy a full day or two's worth of time. Next, the beginning of the Fall semester of college is drawing closer, and I still have to design a website and fliers for the resident Anime Club of which I am sworn in as Technical Officer (Hey, you'd think what I put in this Blogspot would be proof enough of my geekiness, does that come as a surprise to anyone?). Oh, and I've decided to create, at minimum, three works of art that hold up to my rigorous and finicky standards to submit to the gallery at Nekocon, a local anime convention in early November I am already registered to be attending. That will consume a good portion of my life. A completely optional and elective activity I may be engaging in is collecting a bunch of my old poetry, revising it, and probably writing a good amount more of, to be gathered into a short book of poetry; moreover, I may decide to flesh out older stuff, or write new stuff, to try and have published in the campus literary magazine, perhaps even an editorial or two to see about getting put in the Captain's Log, the campus newspaper, or a political cartoon or something. Just trying to start an endeavour to get my name out there (Of course, in reference to the metaphorical "there," which, in this case, is the world of name-dropping, reputations, and notoriety) early on in the game of life. Ah, yes, I can't forget that I have two webomics in the woodwork, one specifically for the anime club website and one pertaining to a friend of mine and myself. Let's see... Art, book, writing, comic, website, class... Yes, yes, almost forgot, I need to pick up a C++ reference book to refresh my memory on the basics of the language, so I'll be prepared for the programming class I'm planning to sign up for in the Spring. A job! I'm still determined to become employed in the months to come, as much as my father is convinced I've given up. If the paperwork would go through the gov't, I could go ahead and apply for the on-campus position I want, but, noooo, it's taking forever to process. Blah! As you can see, I have a bit to do, even if this does look like me purposefully bloating the tasks I have set forth to complete in a manner to excuse any scarce updating of this Blogspot. Oh yeah, I still have to work on this Blogspot, itself, and go back and edit older entries. Heh, just when I thought I was done listing my chores.
Anyway, I've written way too much on nothing, today, so I'll end this before I continue to blather on inanely about events in my life and the day-to-day happenings. Hmph, an entry with no italics, but, most likely, the compensation for is an excess of parentheses.


Currently Playing Song: Red Hot Chili Peppers - This Velvet Glove
Quote of the Moment: "God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh." [As close to the original as I can remember] - Voltaire, a quote my friend has told me a few times and I like.