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Sunday, May 12, 2002

Having been given some time to recuperate after my first full year of college, I feel it is time to update this little Blogspot of mine, so, here I am.
In retrospect, as I've said before, that year was simultaneously a blessing and a harm to me. On the good hand, I meet a lot of interesting and intelligent people, and realised that High School must be the single most dense concentration of idiots and morons on the face of the planet, because, it seems, everywhere else on the planet is a stew of brainpower compared to it. I figured out that life isn't utter shit and that the world doesn't completely suck. I came the closest I ever had before to a nervous breakdown, and I also reached some of the highest levels of happiness I have ever been fortunate enough to experience. I made friends, I moved further away from friends I had before, and I lost a few friends; that is, simply, how it goes in life. Educationwise, I became more sure of what I enjoy learning, and quite positive of what I hate learning. Read: Physics. I expanded my sphere of knowledge regarding anime, literature, writing, chess, and many other matters. I didn't really need any confirmation that women are evil incarnate, mind you, but these two semesters served to concrete that theory. I jest, though, as women have been the medium by which I hit my lowest and highest... You know the saying, I'm sure: "Can't live wit' ‘em, can't shoot ‘em in da fuckin' face," or something along those lines, I believe that's a little off... Somewhere... Heh...
As a person, I've dramatically changed in the past six or seven months. I have grown much more apathetic towards how people think of me, surprisingly, to a point where I can ask random people in the Santoro Hall lobby if they smell. I lost most of my old defenses hiding who I really was, and I matured emotionally, wisened up a little, and sharpened the edge on my sarcasm and reflexes. More tears have stained my face than I thought ever would, and I've grown much more accustomed to smiling. Life is always a double-edged blade.
Well, I've already been writing for a few hours now, so I believe I'm going to take a break from the written language for the night. I swear I'll finish "Art: Force-Fed Expression?"and re-edit some older entries, later, really. Not that many people read this, but I feel obligated to vow that. I get to find a part-time job, next week, so... Yippy!


Currently Playing Song: Tub Ring - Bite the Wax Tadpole
Quote of the Moment: "Living is changing." - Ryoji Kaji, "Neon Genesis Evangelion.