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Friday, April 26, 2002

DISCLAIMER: This entry has been deemed irrelevant by the author, therefore further reading is entirely optional and against the reccomendations of the author. Thank you.
I don't really recall the exact contents of this quote, but it goes along the lines of: "All the best laid plans fall to ruin." Right, I'm sure the message is conveyed, at least. Today was seeming to be a superb one, full of opportunities and answers, events worth attending and, all in all, a good time to be alive. It even started out that way, despite bowling like absolute shit, due to having fallen asleep at this curséd desk the previous night, thus causing my back to be quite sore, all day. Still, bowling was the only "class" I had to attend, so, that alone, was exquisite. The remainder of the day free, I went out and even had a few things scheduled to attend. Lunchtime turned out to be a notch above the usual, to my own surprise and delight, followed by a nice, pleasant nap on a hard, uncomfortable couch. It beat the hell out of my desk chair, mind you. Wait, I'm doing something I swore I never would with this Blogspot, and that was meander on about daily events... Whatever, this day was a bit different, for me, and held some significance. Hanging out with friends happened, dinner, attendance of a set of most excellent one act plays, with the cancellation of one of the events I had scheduled somewhere in between. Sounds like an okay day, but it was, in reality, an alright day that had higher potential. The moon is in its final quarters, I predict a full moon tommorow night. Ironic timing, but only for me, because I'm not specifying why, here. (Insert wolf howl here)


Currently Playing Song. System of a Down - Edgecrusher
Quote of the Moment: "That's not a baby, it's a balloon." - Husband, the second play performed, the name of which escapes me, at the moment.