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Tuesday, June 18, 2002

People are insane. I mean it, man, everybody is frickin' nuts! Especially the female gender. Yeah, you, I'm talking to you, one with the estrogen in the corner. You're CRAZY, crazy in the head.
It's not that I dislike people, it's not that I find people repulsive and annoying (Only sometimes), it's that people are too fragile, too sensitive. That, and completely cracked in the head. People carry expectations and standards by which they judge you. I feel like I can't start a conversation without offending somebody because of my differing views, or an idea I have that just doesn't appeal to them. Many, many times have I had somebody give me a strange look or an upturned nose because I don't swallow what mass media and popular culture wants to shove down my throat. "Oh, I can't stand MTV, the music is god awful and contrived, the other shows are just garbage and intentionally controversial to try and stir shit for no reason." Things like that have made me more of a loner than most.
People are touchy. Contradiction seems to be a weapon, a red-hot poker just poised to scorch someone's flesh, it seems. Women and emotions are like binary chemicals: separate, they're docile and harmless, but, when mixed, the result is a volatile compound ready to explode at any moment. In fact, a lot of people are like that, despite their gender. I mean, God forbid, I have a different method for doing things that is just as effective as your's. Nooo, that's like jamming a knife in someone's eye and twisting it around your skull, apparently, because that's the kind of reaction I get for that, whenever I suggest it. "No, why not just leave the grill on medium instead of juggling the settings? It'll get to 350 and stay around there, in time." Yeesh, sorry for being innovative or explorative!
I kill time, occasionally, reading online journal-type things, and it's no mistake that I intentionally try and steer this Blogspot away from the same kind of material you can find in those. Droning on and on about daily, irrelevant matters is boring, if you ask me, and that's not what I'm aiming for here–It's just my own way of venting my writing itch, with meandering ranting on whatever's on my mind, hence the title. "The Unconscious Ramblings of a Madman," is actually a theme and title motif I've used more than once on my works: Madman At Work Studio is what I label my art as originating from. Insanity is a topic I find intriguing, how to define it, what it means and implies; moreover, it seems to be an adjective thrown around quite often–"Are you nuts/crazy/insane?" Difference, based on that notion, is what defines and makes one mad: Dr. Frankenstein was a mad scientist, for example, and many people considered Galileo a madman (his own government, in fact, who went so far as to suppress his work). Any kind of radical or deviating path from the normal is insane. Fine, I'm a madman, I don't agree with a lot of ideas which are popular in these days in age, suits me fine.
Profanity is such a taboo subject. Kids are taught not to use those "dirty words," and, as a direct result, go out and use them whenever they can and no authoritative figures are about to inflict punishment. It's funny, really–If we made no big deal about this set of words, nobody would care, but, since we do, it's a controversy. Once, while standing around in a Toys'R'Us, I looked at an Akira action figure and was reminded of the movie. Turning to a friend, I commented on it and, for whatever reason that has slipped my mind, I went into the difference between the dubbed version's dialogue and the original, and a specific example I had was that in the English dub, a character says "Don't make me tell everybody wants in your drinks," to a bartender, where the actual line is something to the effect of "That's because you've got piss in this shit, old man." Of course, I had said this out loud, and the other friend with me immediately told me to shut up, because some kid was standing there with his mother (In a toy store, imagine that!) After the realisation of what I had just said hit me, I just shut up and we slowly and casually strolled off. Nothing was said of it, even if the kid did hear me. They're just words, after all, is my philosophy. The Bible, the source for which we condemn these collection of "evil" syllables, specifies that we don't speak the Lord's name in vein, or curse someone on his behalf, as I recall; however, it is kosher to go "God!" in an exclamatory fashion after kicking something and stubbing your toe, in today's society, or "Jesus Christ!" That's not censored on the television, it never has been. Seems contradictory logic, to me.
What this all circles around back to is that people are easily offended, by ideas that aren't their own or condoned by their own schools of thought, by words which we are simply told not to say and that are wrong. Why? It seems that, for the majority of the time, nobody is up to being challenged intellectually to support what they believe. Just today, a bit earlier, my father and I were bantering on about the Moon, Sun, gravity, the seasons, and we were going back and forth about why things are the opposite in the Southern hemisphere, and, eventually, my mom spoke up with "God just wants it that way." It may just be how I see it, but that's like a cop-out, the "we can't know so let's just forget it" approach to the world. Now, to a degree, I'm nihilistic and suffer from a case of fatalism, but that comes and goes and, in the end, as a whole, I'm all for exploring theories, philosophies, and experiments about life, the world, and the way things are the way they are. Sure, there are cases of subject matter beyond the comprehension of the human race, but that's not always true, so I don't believe in giving up before trying. There is a difference between spending your lifetime attempting to prove the existence of God, and being a scientist trying to cure various ailments–from blindness to cancer to genetic defects. Those are the extremes, I suppose. There's always an inbetween.
What I'm saying is that human beings are all totally insane, in some way or the other. I mean, if we weren't, we'd all march along identical and homogenous. That'd be boring, right? Yeah, that's right, I'm talking to you, MTV, Tommy Hilfiger, and all those other corporate institutions rallying for us to become clones on behalf of their merchandise.
There you go, I made an entry without resorting to the simpler method of reviewing something. Wait... I give the band Lungfish a 2% Failure Rating. Damn, couldn't resist.


Currently Playing Song: Jawbox - Nickel Nickel Millionaire
Quote of the Moment: "Sometimes I sits and thinks, but mostly I just sits." - Unknown English yokel.