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Saturday, August 07, 2004

Don't Be A Quisling: Make Election Day Fun This Year

I have an idea. If you’ve ever been to an anime convention, you have bore witness to many, many people wearing costumes designed after characters in anime or something tangentially related to anime or animation, in general, or even not related to anything but is an iconic character among the demographic which attends conventions (Silent Bob, for instance). Also, Trek conventions resemble anime conventions in that they are both full of costumed individuals. To a lesser extent, but undeniably, gaming conventions have the same tradition of being sprinkled with costume-wearing con-goers. Furthermore, the opening night of a cult movie — Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings — is going to inevitably have a few fans all dolled up in an appropriate costume.
What we have is a pattern of fans wearing costumes to honor their favorite icons in a certain subject area. I have a proposal for you, then. In November, on the day of the Presidential voting, let us all dress up when we go to vote.
Imagine, if you will, voting booths where imitation Bushes and Kerrys step up to cast their decision for 2004. Or, not to limit it to the two major candidates, Ralph Nader costumes and Pat Buchanan get-ups. It’d be great, you could even just dress like your favorite President in history. George Washingtons tromping about with axes in their hands, and Abe Lincolns with the tall, stove-pipe hats, and FDRs wheeling around in fake wheelchairs or on crutches. I think it would be a spectacle to behold, myself, and I fully endorse this occurring.
So, this Election Day, camp out your district voting station with sleeping bags and costumes, and greet the opening doors in the morning with Richard Nixon masks and fake Tate fat suits complete with a bathtub. Do it, you know you want to . . . All the cool kids are gonna be doing it, man.
You don’t wanna be a dork, do ya?



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