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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Pandemic Wandering

I fucking hate my eyes. No, seriously, I do.

I, Robot was an excellent film, I have to read that book. 2% Failure Rating. It may merit a later, longer review.

The International House of Pancakes is situated somewhere outside of the standard space-time continuum, creating a bizarre timewarp effect, causing all time to lapse into a seemingly singular moment.

Literature fulfills me on levels that I don’t quite understand, myself. Both the creation thereof and the indepth exploration, it provides some sort of satisfaction on a . . . . Spiritual level.

I find myself wondering if my proverbial "fuel" for art is purely negativity, or, at least, has been for years. My past works all have fairly dark motivations behind them, and even a sketchbook from as recently as last year is full of painful remembrances. In my newfound discovery of the drive to draw — or, moreover, the lack thereof — I question myself as to if it has to do with a sudden lack of so much pent-up emotion.

I have written a fuck-ton (S.I. unit of measure equivalent to roughly ten shit-tons or one hundred ass-loads) this summer, but it is pretty much on par with how much I drew last year this time. I worry about being prolific, occasionally, but it’s harder to catalogue the amount of writing I’ve done because it’s not in hard-copy and thus more intangible than art.

A conflict of interest rages in my head in regard to this Blog; on one hand, I’m starting to worry that my entiries are simply too long and dense for anyone to be interested in reading, and, on the other, I’m still full of the conviction that I write for myself and not others. Is the subtle push to write of publishing something somewhat public worth the fact that I am tempted to, in fact, treat this as something publishable. Were this to be more publishing-ready, though, it would be considerably more . . . . Boring to write on, since in many ways this is my pre-writing tool, in general.

Are comments worth the extra time it takes to publish the Blog? I doubt it, but I don’t know for sure at this point.

Queens of the Stone Age is on the radio and have recorded an album laced with loads of jabs at the radio. "This is KRDL, Kurdle Radio . . . We spoil music for everyone." Heh.

I am honestly and genuinely impressed with the stability and functionality of Windows XP Professional. The more I use it and grow familiar with it, the more taken I am with the operating system, and that chills me to the core; which just solidifies my argument that Bill Gates is the Anti-Christ, but that'll be a longer spiel that I promise won't be like every other Linux user and their gripes with Microsoft, instead something silly and interesting (to me).
That is all.

Thank You.



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