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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The Conflation of One Hundred Pages

Just for reference, this is one of those rare entries written the day of it being posted; pure, unadulterated madness abound!

I am so motherfucking done with my summer English course: ENGL308W — Approaches to Literature, Writing Intensive. I just spent over a week writing a paper comparing Gustave Flaubert and his Madame Bovary to the Impressionist movement in Fine Arts, and no one cares. Pages on pages of work poured into this, and all for naught; woe is me! “Nobody can ever say I have not suffered the agony that is Art,” indeed, Flaubert . . . Indeed.

In other news, I looked back at the months of June and July on this Blog, and realised that I have published something akin to fifty to sixty pages of . . . Stuff. In conjunction with this fact is my decision to cut down on my update schedule. Here is the new schedule, which will go into effect next week:
(Week 1): Monday—Random; Wednesday—Rant; Friday—Review.
(Week 2): Sunday—Fiction; Tuesday—Poetry; Saturday—Ramble.
Quite similar to the previous schedule, but with a few days cut out; no more weekly Rant and Ramble, namely. So, if you are one of those rare persons who actually follows this Blog (I’m not entirely sure if that type of person is exactly existent or not) then that is how things will go, probably until December. This way, I can keep up with updates without publishing a fucking novella worth of words every month—I like to write, but don’t have time for that much.

I had been considering just turning comments off because they weren’t going to use, and it increases on publishing time significantly at times . . . But, then this happened, and I realised it’s better to have the availability of comments rather than . . . Not.

That is really all I have to say, today . . . When the caffeine, liquer, and vitamins wears off, I’ll probably be dead.

Oh, yeah: Bush MUST Lose, ’04!



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