For the Curious' Delectation
I don’t write about myself all too often here. I have before mentioned my distaste for online journals and logs that dwell on the personal affairs of the writer. Long, excruciating details of someone’s day to day affairs are dry and uninteresting, as I see it. And, again, as I have put up here before, I believe strictly in posting in regard to interesting subjects. I, for example, am not one of said types of matters.
My life is not the subject of this Blog, and it never will be. In general, everything I submit on this is tangentially related to my life, but never pertaining to it in any kind of direct and mundane manner. I have, in the past, though, made allusions to aspects of who I am and my life that were vague and hazy, and mostly used as filler for necessary context.
This post I dedicate to the readers who may not know me well enough — or at all — to be privy to the full stories behind those allusions, and may or may not have wondered, on occasion, what they are. This will not be a long delivery describing intimate details of myself. I will fill the holes I dug in previous entries, and theoretically nothing more.
Firstly, going back to the very first post I ever made, I am no longer nineteen, but I am still a student at Christopher Newport University. I am now twenty-one years old, and for reference I will tell you my birthday is March 18th, or Irish Hangover Day as I have dubbed it, since it is the day after St. Patrick’s Day. I continue my attendance at CNU as a student of Computer Science & Fine Art, plus a minor in Literature and Mathematics. The curriculum of a double-major and double-minor is by no means a four year plan. I assume I will be here for another two years or three at most. It’s a nice college, despite what the students say about it. So, yes, I am a Pisces that buys his own rum, and I have destined myself for way too many years of college education — onward.
My primary job is at Christopher Newport University, too, and to be precise I am under the employment of the Information Technology Services. I sit in a lab, answering questions and helping people with problems, and also act as a technician for my realm of thirty-five computers. It’s simple, easy, stress-free, and pays well enough for what it is. Secondarily, I work at Hungate’s Arts, Crafts, and Hobbies, as was explained in a recent post, but that will only last past the 5th of July. I’m quitting, because I’m starting a summer course and the time I have available to work isn’t congruent with what they want at all. And the management there is atrocious which causes the work environment to be miserable and the money’s not worth the stress in addition to the work. Don’t ever work for Hungate’s in Patrick Henry Mall in Newport News, Virginia.
Which brings me to another thing, actually: I live in Newport News, Virginia, but not because I am a resident student at CNU. In actuality, I commute and live not far from campus, where I have lived all my life. Yep, boring old Newport News or Newport Snooze or whatever farcical moniker one wishes to staple to the city has been my life-long home. Exciting? No. But, it’s true, and that’s the point here, isn’t it?
I have in some of the more recent posts been making reference to a roommate, but as I just pointed out I do not live in the dormitories of CNU, either. A friend lived in my parent’s house — which is also where I live, I should say — for the duration of the Spring Semester and first session of Summer classes. As of Wednesday, June 23rd, he has moved back to his usual place of residence. He was only here because he was looking for a place to stay temporarily, and that is what he did. It was, in the end, exactly how I had thought it would be to have a roommate, too: decidedly more different than any other living situation I’ve ever had — which isn’t a very diverse basis for comparison. It was good to have a friend around all the time, though, and despite the fact that we both grew tired of each other at times — I speak for him at liberty but with near certainty, as he is as introverted and private as I am — I don’t regret offering to share my living space with him in any form. In some posts to come, it may very make allusion to a “roommate,” since he was there when they were written, but let it be known that he is no more. (Also, today is concidentally his birthday, so here's a congratulations for turning twenty for him.)
That’s everything I intended to cover, which makes for a shorter entry than some, but I do so loathe blathering on and on about myself. Lastly, however, if you don’t know my real name? Then, I’m C. Jay, as far as it’s concerned, or sometimes C. Jay Kill or C. Jay Wrong. I exercise anonymity because my identity is meant to be extraneous to this Blog, and if I start handing out personal information indiscriminately, then it’ll be a distraction.
On a completely unrelated subject, but I will address it here since this is a sort of catch-all post, commentary will be enabled henceforth for certain posts. Rants and reviews will have the comments option turned on, that way if anyone wants to agree with or rebut me, then they can. To me, rants and reviews are more like discussions than impersonal essays or lectures, anyway. Also, this post will have comments enable for the sole purpose of, if any of my scarce few readers feel compelled, they can introduce themselves; that way, I know of whom to expect commentary. And, that is that.
On another general note, I have been looking back on my writing and revaluating my personal style, lately. I began to feel as though I was getting a bit too heavy with complex punctuation structure and usage, so I’m going to try and cut back, but not cut out, a lot of superfluous dashes, semi-colons and the sort. Hell, if you want, tell me what you think about how I write, and critique me for my feasibly pretentious and stupid writing, if you care. Outside of English classes, I hear very little in regard to anyone’s thoughts on how I write, so I’m a little curious. (Note: the link for commenting is underneath the title of the entry, next to my moniker and the time, where it says "X comments.")
Well, I was very satisfied with how the month went, and I feel like the schedule I am currently using will work, up until the Fall semester when I may revise it to cut back for time constraint. But, I will post about that bridge when I am burning it, or however that figure of speech goes. And this has gotten way too long with all the random tacked-on stuff, so I end this no—