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Tuesday, June 29, 2004

To A Mirror: I Know What Lies Behind You

We wade in normalcy, a paradox of monogomy,
The disjounted marriage of security and certainty,
Blind to the naked eye is what we ignore.

Medicated to placate the anomalies of humanity,
Stamped and shelved on society's inventory, or
Strapped bound and afraid for evermore.

And there are those who will never know
Of that which they may discover, or
All of everything they could show.

Hold on dearly to simplicity, a defense against change,
The long practice of comfortable nuetrality,
Deviance is defiance of destiny's intent.

Locked trapped in narrow corridors of amorality,
Weave and dance to the rythm of history, or
Face malicious fragmentation from our malevolent parent.

And there are those who will never find
Out about what they may uncover, or
All of everything they could unwind.

Speak vacantly of atrocity, the news of idiocy,
A forum of foolishness founded in plutocracy,
Vehement castration answers those voices who cry.

Prescribed complacancy in green bottles by handfuls,
Relentlessly dissected in a sterile laboratory, or
Shunned shameful and lonely until one may die.

And there are those who will never come
Close to their truest potential, or
Near to anything they could've done.

Scream profane and clarvoyant to the blue, clouded sky,
Hardy speech belted proudly from throats of the wronged,
March swiftly to the doors of cowardly mansions hiding
The bellies of swine who feast greedily from slop of the poor.

While the meek and mistreated will florish someday,
A time of damnation await the strangling fists, and
To those who rebuke me and all that I say:

"May God see you skewered on your own devices,
As the innocent lay croaking on the floor convulsing,
Due to the antidepressants for unknown ailments,
The downers to make the energetic disaffected,
The tools by which you asphyxiate our children,
And drive the elderly mad from longevity."

And there are those who will never hear
Of my rant on behalf of their suffering, or
See freedom from a single, sleepwalking, hazy year.

This is for them.