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Wednesday, June 02, 2004

A Starveling Named

The number of times I have announced some sort of renewed vigor for this Blog, it’s inevitably fallen through. It almost feels as if any sort of announcement of that nature, at this point, is a jinx. So, I won’t say this is a new era in the history of this site, or anything spectacular, or anything significantly new, so much as I will say that I am back from a month-long break.

And, it was a good break. I got a lot of writing done, more than the last time I said I’d take a break but still write for this. I have worked out a new schedule for myself, and I will be adhering to it for, at least, the month of June. It lays out in a nice, tidy, biweekly format, as follows:
Week One: Tuesday (poetry), Wednesday (rant), Saturday (ramble), Sunday (fiction).
Week Two: Monday (random), Wednesday (rant), Thursday (review), Saturday (ramble).
I will probably flesh out something a little more coherent than that, but, even in its rudimentary lackluster, that’s pretty self-explanatory. I feel like if I give any more specific description than that, then it’s kind of ruining the whole surprise of viewing this site; taking away the novelty of it all, in a way. Anyway, expect posts to be put up in that pattern for the month of June.
For July, I have larger plans, but I will explain that at a later time.

So, recent developments in my life that are remotely relevant . . . I now work two jobs: my original one at the Christopher Newport University’s Information Technology Services Computer Lab, and a new one at Hungate’s Creative Hobbies. I expect that I have something to say about that.

Also, Blogspot apparently decided May was a great month to re-haul the entire functionality and design of their site. I’m not complaining, because it’s much nicer and smoother, now. I’m undecided, right now, as to whether or not to take up the new feature of comments. I’ll handle that, later.

I would call this a reintroduction in brevity, but like I already said, everytime I do that, it falls through. So, all I can say is . . . I’m back, I guess.

Next Post: Saturday, June 5th, 2004.


”yawn to yawn, our face was born to mask the shade of shit we’re on”


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