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Saturday, June 26, 2004

O' Sweet, Glabrious Computer Screen, How I Shall Lament Thee

I thrive entirely on having access to a computer. As I prepare myself to head off to my second job, at Hungate’s Arts, Crafts, and Hobby Shop, where I have absolutely nothing around me that resembles a computer except for a register, I realise exactly how much I will miss my computer, how much I crave the ability to pull up a word processing program and type out whatever I feel fit to type, or browse the Internet for random reasons. Even my other hobbies, drawing and roleplaying for instance, are commonly practiced in conjunction with a computer nearby, drawing less so than roleplaying. What it comes down is that I hate handwriting anything, ever. I find it slow, and the inability to easily edit and rearrange the words I scrawl on paper is annoying. If I had to choose between — I don’t know — handwriting a poem or story in my head, or letting it drift back into the abyss of my subconscious, I usually pick the latter; I’ve tried writing down my ideas, and it always gets lost or misplaced, and I will never consult what I have written by hand as much as I consult what I have written in text. I don’t really know if this is a bad thing or not, really, because I am a computer programmer, and very much embrace technology in all forms (computers, electronics, gadgetry, I love it as long as it has buttons and a display I can fiddle with). I’m going to just accept it as part of who I am, and move on, though. Well, time to continue readying myself to be deprived of a computer for six hours. Le sigh.
