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Monday, June 21, 2004

The Redoubtable Words of Sages

And now, a short sampling of the dialogue that is commonly exchanged throughout the day between that guy I live with and myself:

Me: “ . . . Which is why I refer to [Unearthed Arcana] as the third core rulebook.”
Roommate: “You mean the fourth?”
Me: “Yes, the fourth. I’m going to pretend that I can do basic math.”
Roommate: “I would hope so, it’s your minor.”
Me: “Yeah, well . . . Shut your hell up.”
Roommate: “And English is your other minor.”
Me: “God damn it.”


Roommate: “I just ate a peanut butter and blackberry jelly sandwich with a glass of blackberry wine while wearing no pants. My day is complete.”
Me: “There are so many parts of our lives that would be more complete only with marijuana.”

That is all.
