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Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Remonstrating with Bacteria

If there is one solitary example of a force in the universe that is a driving factor in listless and unproductive behaviour, I would say that it’s a cold. That previous sentence was way too convoluted; the proportion of words to ideas was way too high. Anyway: being sick, it sucks.
It feels like tiny little hands are pressing on the backs of my eyeballs. I despise headaches, and I generally try to not have them, but fate has deemed it so to thwart that. Also, the pressure on the back of my skull feels like a raging monkey is trapped inside my skull and pounding his way out, angrily punching my brain from the inside. Ugh, and other such expressions of pain.
Semester coming to close, and work is due. Programming and writing needs to be done, and studying has to be done, all too soon. Have to attend a play, a production of the Scarlet Letter, for which I shall write a review (for class, that is). Need to take care of financial aid, apply for some for the Summer. Job? New boss, need to ask him about summer hours. Running a side-run tonight, too . . .
Must read “Master Harold” . . . and the boys, which is what I shall do right about now (the funk’s so brother).

Less with the irrelevant, life-related rambling in the future, I promise..