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Sunday, March 21, 2004

More Unexplained Fiction From Me (Yay, again)

They put a white flower on the top of the brown box and I thought that looked really pretty. There are flowers all around, I bet I could swim in them! That’d be really fun, swimming in a pool full of flowers: all different colours, too. I love pretty flowers.

“He was a good man, a good . . . Good man.”

Everyone seems so sad, crying and wiping their runny noses. I can see mommy standing over there, trying to not look as sad as everybody else. Mommy never likes to cry, she only does it when she’s in her room, after she tucks me into bed. One time, I tried to go in and ask her why she was crying, but the door was locked . . .

“I knew him since he was this high, eh?”

There was this one time, when me and him were little (he wasn’t as little as I was, he was always older) and we hid in the garden behind the school for a long time. Nobody found us, for hours and hours. We ran around the garden, picking flowers and weeds and stuff. I wanted to get a whole lot of flowers to give to mommy, but when they came and found us, they took the flowers away. He got really mad at them (I guess for taking away the pretty flowers) and started hittin’ ‘em. I didn’t see him for awhile, after that. I bet they put him in jail or somethin’.

“He could’ve done such great things, had his life not been cut short – Such a tragedy!”

The next time me and him saw each other, we went to the playground at school at night, when nobody is supposed to be there. We were supposed to stay at home, while mommy was out buying food and stuff, but he said we should go play on the swings. I told him that mommy said to stay home, but he hit me and I cried. I cried and cried, and when I stopped crying, we were at the playground, so I swung on the swings. I saw him talking to this man I didn’t know and I didn’t know if he knew him or what; he was wearing a long, long, black coat. When the man in the coat left, he said we should go home, but I was having so much fun: I didn’t want to leave. So, he hit me.

“I hope they catch the vagrant who did this to him! Justice should be served.”

Mommy was really mad that we had left, and I didn’t know how she knew. She just looked at me, and started yelling and yelling at him: I didn’t understand what she was saying. After that, I didn’t see him for a long, long time. Then, one day, he was there after school let out, and asked me for my book-bag. He took my books and didn’t give them back, then kicked me and ran away. I was really sore ‘cause he kicked me in the tummy and that really hurt.

“His fiancé must be heart-broken – Oh, I hope she took it well!”

When he was littler, me and him always used to play in the park. He’d take me to the park, and I’d run around and around. He’d meet this girl there, and they’d go off to the bushes and play, too. She looked really pretty, but always seemed sad, kinda like mommy.

“That is a beautiful arrangement of flowers, who did it?”

“Oh, that would be . . . Uh, I think Betsy brought it in. You know, she’s been seeing that tall guy, a lot.”

“Has she, now? Do I smell romance, tee!”

“Wheehee! I bet! I sure do!”

There are a lot of people, all talking or crying and wiping their noses with white tissues, turning them green and yellow. Everyone looks really, really sad: I don’t know why everybody is so sad. I wish that he were here, he could make them laugh with his jokes. He hasn’t come to take me to the park or play with me or nothing in a long time, I don’t think he looks me no more. I’m hungry!

“Aw, now look at you, aren’t you just growing up nice and big and strong?”

“Yes, he’s just like his father! He’ll be a pro-baseball player, I bet!”

“I sure hope so, someone has to support poor Lisa, always slaving around the house. Hmph, that husband of her’s, I swear!”

“Yes, I sometimes wonder if he works, or if he just goes out and drinks with floozy tramps!”

“Brenda! Stop that! This is a solemn occasion, show some respect for the deceased.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. Toffee cake?”

“Ooo, lovely! I will have some.”

I’m kinda sleepy, I’ve been here forever. These grown-ups are boring, all crying and wiping and stuff. This ain’t no fun, I wanna go to the park with him and run and see the pretty, sad girl. Or pick some flowers for mommy; maybe I could give mommy some of those pretty flowers over there. I bet mommy would love that white flower . . . Sleepy . . .

“Aww, isn’t that adorable? Lisa’s little boy is all curled up in a chair, sleeping! Have you ever seen a more precious angel?”