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Tuesday, March 16, 2004

A Redound to Nothing (Whoo)

So, I thought more about it, and through a conversation with my roommate, came this conclusion, regarding Comedy in America: what has happened is that it has moved out of the big screen, from the cinema (I just proofread this entry and found the typo, "cinemo," and I am full of fear, because I just got the image of an emo band making a movie, *shudder*), to the small screen(s). Which is to say, good Comedy in America is on television and on the internet. Like I said before, Becker and The Daily Show with Jon Steward (Fuck Craig Kilbourne) are shining examples of comedy on television. Also, The Simpsons is still being made, and Futurama is being rerun on Cartoon Network (God Bless Adult Swim). Ever seen Home Movies? I love that show, for no real, good reason, expect for that it's funny. Sure, SNL has gone to shit with its latest cast, but they did propel the career of Will Ferrel and David Hammond [sp, on two counts], so that’s something to be said: that being, “SNL still exists as a platform for decent comedians to use as a stepping stone.” Fuck Mike Myers, kinda, sorta – Sometimes, I hate that man (Austin Powers), other times, I love him (Shrek, Wayne’s World). And just look at all the stand-up you can find on various channels – Just look at it. Isn’t it awesome? It is awesome.
Also, there’s the internet, wherein one can find mounds of great humour, in the form of parody (www.theonion.com), comic strip (www.penny-arcade.com), randomosity (www.sixsixfive.com), and so forth, so forth. I read something like a dozen or two dozen web-comics, and they all amuse me, on some level or another. Let me just list them, here:
Penny Arcade, Mac Hall, PvP, Superosity, RPG World, Bob and George, 8-Bit Theater, It's Walky, Queen of Wands, Something Positive, College University, Sore Thumbs, Commander Kitty, Elf-Life, Ctrl-Alt-Del, You Damn Kid, Chopping Block, Dork Tower. I’m sure I forgot a few, but . . . Oh, well! Also, Something Awful can be entertaining. Who doesn’t love Sean Baby? I know I don’t not. It goes on and on like this, really – Which just showcases why people have decided that, instead of taking their comedy to Hollywood, they take it to things more accessible and down-to-Earth. Also, cheap. Free, even.

Linkin Park is one of the worst bands in the history of music. Don’t get me wrong, I am a fun of the occasional loser anthem, but it’s just pitiful when a band does nothing but beg for acceptance from society, which is what they do. This is what happens when kids with marginal music talent get picked on endlessly in high school: they go off and form bands about how much the cool kids suck. Do the world a favour, and don’t pick on a nerd, today. No, wait, let me append that: not nerds, because nerds are productive when alienated. Don’t pick on losers, true losers. I mean, God damn it, how can you be marginalised from society and not, at least, get the decent music taste that comes with it, Linkin Park, huh? Why are you losers who still listen to the cool people music, crap like Limp Bizkit and Kid Rock? Explain yourself! Then, die. Bitches.

River City High, there’s one I forgot. God, you have to love the River City Ransom video games, because where else can you punch a jock in the face, then buy a Mervburger? NOWHERE! That’s where. Oh, yeah . . .

Evanescence is that new band that I God dan can't stand, for some reason. Well, not for some reason -- For a number of reasons, which I will proceed to name. For one, it's emo disguised. Yes, you heard me: EMO. I'm drowning? Wake me up inside? Ugh! Ugh, I say! Oh, tragedy and woe, woe and tragedy and angst and woe and tragedy; woe, angst, tragedy, sorrow, despair, woe, sorrow, angst, angst, and tragedy! This is sappy emo (redundant, ain't it) wrapped up in the clever guise of something that might be spiritual, but isn't. What they did, this band: Evanescence, is fail miserably at trying to mimic Aghora. Because, Aghora does rock, and Aghora succeeds at combining progressive metal with operatic vocals, and Aghora's lyrics are well-written spiritual exploration. Fuck you, Evanescence, you Aghora-wannabe-bastards. Also, I don't care if I misspelt their name, they don't deserve proper spelling.

It’s a lot more fun to talk about things you have disdain for, than to speak of what you like, I’ve found.

Bush MUST Lose, ‘04
