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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Pen Is Mightier Than the Shark: Prima Facie

Much like a superhero, I have a secret identity. Unlike a superhero, I can't fly, shoot webbing from my wrist, tear through steel with my bare hands, punch the planet and shatter it into pieces, shoot lasers out of my eyes, freeze people into blocks of ice with my breath, sprout multiple appendages at will, grow one hundred times my usual size, shrink to the size of an atom, stare menacingly at a cashier until he gives me whatever I am buying for free or get away with wearing neon-coloured spandex. Instead, I make poignant and profound statements about the world around me through the written language!

Previous works by my secret identity include a biting piece on the unfairness of life and that bitch Katie, a deep exploration of the state of the human race, and a seering song about romance and relationships.

And, now, for your reading enjoyment, I shall feature here a new release by the world-renowned, infamous writer, my secret (shh!) identity.

"A Generic Political Commentary Unnecessarily Put Into the Form of a Poem (Meant to be Angrily Screamed at a Poetry Slam),"
by c.Jay hawtsk8r88 on August 1st, 2006

it is very unfortunate
that our president
is George W. Bush
for I do not
much care for him

he likes oil a lot
he likes money a lot
he likes cock a lot
by cock i mean chicken
(not really)

Karl Rove is Satan
not Ronald Reagan
sorry Mr. McGruder

Dick Cheney is a cyborg
half-man half-machine
cold hard metal unbeating heart inside

i like making vague
unsupported statements
about our president
and quoting Mr. Stewart
isn't his show funny?
(i think so)

all i know about
our last president
is that he liked sex a lot
i do too so i can relate

and the first Bush
puked all over
the Japanese

who is this
Jimmy Carter
you speak of?

Ell Bee Jay?
Jay Eff Kay?
Eff Dee Are?
Eeh Bee Bee Vee!

all i know
is that i do not
much care for
George W. Bush
(the end)


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