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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Plebian Speaks of Newness, Again

Here's the deal. I want to try and maintain this Blog with regularly updated content, in a progressively more frequent manner. As of right now, I have worked out a simple schedule, with room for additions later. My aim to create a sort of "monthly magazine" feel, with a number of features that appear once a month, for now. I have some plans for things in the future, as I always do, but here is what my schedule is as it stands:

Week #1: Tuesday—Random, Thursday—Ramble/Rant
Week #2: Tuesday—Five Brief Reviews, Thursday—A Full Review
Week #3: Tuesday—Poetry; Thursday—Story Installment
Week #4: Tuesday—Random, Thursday—Ramble/Rant

To explain what some of this means, in detail:

Random: This is an entry to give me room to basically do something according to my whim, by my fancy. I intend to use this for short or lengthy comedic pieces or bits, parody or satire, absurd or whatnot; it may not always be funny, but I basically intend to have two entries a month that are atypical of the rest of the other features, to serve as my licensed space for arbitrary nonsense.

Ramble/Rant: A ramble is where I discuss whatever topic or topics strikes me as interesting at the time, in a sort of low-key or civil manner. A rant is basically the same thing, except angrier, more sarcastic and usually profane. Sometimes, an entry can fall between those, but this is usually just me putting a Soap Box down and stepping up onto it.

Reviews: Where I tackle movies, music, books, websites or whatever is in need of my personal appraisal. Not much explanation should be needed, here.

Poetry and Story Installment: I like to pretend I'm an artist slash writer, so this is the week where I put up things I do creatively within the realm of literature. Poetry can include one long poem or several shorter ones, and most people will still not care. I have several ideas for serialized short stories, including the one I started last week. Prose is usually more appealling to most, so I hope to weave interesting stories and practice my writing style.

This Blog has always, essentially, functioned as a form of my own personal practice space for writing, but I have plans to transform it into something more than just that. If nothing else, I hope to turn it into an outlet for something more than just writing, soon, and include some art. I don't know exactly what direction I'd like to see this go in, but I am thinking of bringing in some collaborative efforts with creative people I know. Something in the form of this Blog or a tangentially related, new thing may be born… I hope.

Oh, as a note, within the rotation above, this is currently a Tuesday of Week #4, if it's not apparent. Thursday will be a Ramble/Rant, then the monthly cycle will begin anew.



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