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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Three Poems

Here are three poems that I don't consider amazingly good, but do, in fact, share a common vein. It may or may not be apparent what that vein is unless you're me. There's a fourth poem, too, but that one's too autobiographical to have merit.


you are the one and only and
       your eyes melt like honey
in the pit of your soft irises

       rise and fall push and shove you
are the Rosetta stone the
       forbidden zone the one i want
alone and

rise and fall push and shove your
       body so holy your smell drives me
to be lonely and your face so
       comely homely (not in the sense of ugly)
rise and fall

       push and shove you come out above
and i make the call won't you be my
       lovely some say it's unbecoming i
think it's befitting just

       stay for one sitting
paint your visage
       in stereo vision
in goes the first

and i'm all cut out
       all cut up
all cut down
       all put off
all put down
       all left out

* * *

Be Me

i have been stripped down bare
       in the toxic stream
i have been exposed for what i am
       a lowly sham

              you tear me apart
       you cut me down
              i am no man
       no return receipt
no item exchange
       here i am: your commodity
       here i am your property
              such a tax break
              a charity write-off

i'll make you happy
       you'll see
i'll give you everything
       you'll be me
i'll be

       you'll be me
i'll be
* * *

The Fool's Lament: A History of the Protagonist's Friend

you made me
       feel so fine
              you had me
       in your fingers
and i had

              your words are empty
       your smile is hollow
your promises are dust
       i am not the Fool
       i am the Fool
       i am not the Fool
i am

you seemed so genuine
       so, so kind
you seemed to care
       so, so fair
you seemed to be real
       so, so imaginary

i imagined such things
       that can not be wrtten
down in ink or in pixels

* * *
