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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Farragoes of Winnebagoes

Fun fact about me! Actually, this fact isn't fun at all, and is disgusting and you probably don't want to know about it, so if you're particularly opposed to disgusting biology, then stop reading, right now.
I have a boil on the side of my face: not a zit, not a pimple, but like a pimple on crack. It's the result of something like a zit that gets really under the skin and plants itself there and doesn't go away. I've had it for way too long, as it gets "full" sometimes and then drains, but it hasn't entirely gone all the way away. It's been . . . Probably a half of a year, maybe three quarters of one.
Perhaps I should invest in better skincare. I just stabbed it with a knife and drained it, again, so I have a bandage on the side of my face, which just makes me feel oh so gangsta hip-hop thug, or somesuch. Like I'm Genuine or Ludicrous, or however the retards are misspelling those words to represent themselves as high-brown, intellectual artists—illiterate artists with no access to a Dictionary.
Anyway, I'm going to take care of thing, tout de suite. I don't have much to work with when it comes to my face, and the . . . Throbbing boil isn't winning me points, here. Honestly, I'm starting at like . . . Plain ugly and working my way down to disfigured, at this point. Ew.

Not cool.


Blogger c.Jay Wrong wrote:

Er . . . Alright. This is so vague and easily applicable that I may momentarily have been fooled by this; then, I thought about what the content of this entry was (the story of my festering boil) and thought, "The hell does anything he's saying have to do with anything?"

Maybe I'm going to offend someone real by saying this, but I'm rather certain this is some damn clever spam.


Sat Sep 10, 02:15:00 AM EDT  
Blogger c.Jay Wrong wrote:

Well, shit, now that a second comment of the almost exact same phrasing and style has appeared randomly, I can definitely conclude that this is just clever spam. Although, putting two comments of the samr type, side by side, on the same entry . . . Not so clever.

Thu Sep 22, 11:51:00 PM EDT  

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