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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Technical Issue (Now Resolved)

   [Webmaster's Note: Yes, the template is currently hosed. No, I don't know why it's throwing the body of the post to the next line after the sidebar. It didn't do that the time before I last published a post, and I didn't change anything. I can only assume the standards for the XHTML this template uses have been updated, and something I was using got outmoded, or I need to explicitly specify a formatting code that was previously fine left default. I'll figure it out, eventually.]

   [Webmaster's Followup: So, apparently, sometime between when I published the last post and this one, something else changed I was unaware of, because now it's just throwing the footer to the next line after the sidebar, not the body of the post. The fuck?]

   [Webmaster's Continuation: So, it seems that it throws the body of the post underneath the sidebar with anything IE-based, and throws the footer underneath the sidebar with Netscape or Firefox. Strangness . . . Made this its own post, because it continues to persist at being annoying and not-fixed.]

   [Webmaster's Furthermore: Still trying to get this to work properly. Instituted a temporary fix which eliminates the old problem and creates new ones, and also makes the style not really look like how I liked it. This fix involved using the overflow property, which is an obscure and not oft-used one. Still doing random research about floats, clearing, and wrapping.]

   [Webmaster's Discovery: So, this is annoying. I figured out what it is. The first thing the <$BlogItemBody$> tag does is insert a clearing div, which is what's pushing the post down below the sidebar. Now I need to figure out how to negate this in order for this template to ever work. Blogger support proves to be useless, thusfar, but I have a few ideas.]

  [Webmaster's Solution: Or, instead of having to do any fancy coding, I could just look in the Settings and notice that there is an option for turning the clearing div on and off . . . God damn it. Problem over.]


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