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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

An Eddy Keeps Me Circling

I do believe I may be the only person alive who is not, in fact, touched by the moving tale of your failed relationship and the trauma thereof. I am loosely certain that if presented with another song about the sad story of lost love, I may very well vomit. I am, also, pretty sure that the love ballad is the most overused device ever.
Pardon me if I am indifferent to you drowning, Evanesence. Oh, and as you fall from heaven, Lacuna Coil, I think I’ll go grab a hot dog.
Excuse me, entire genre of emo, but kindly be quiet, too.

You love. You lose. Get Met, It Pays.

[Editor's Note: You know what's the best part of this old entry? That it made me stop and realize how Evanesence has completely fallen off the face of the mainstream music scene, and that, invariably, all their loudest fans also have seemed to forget about them. Ah, the glorious cyclic nature of American pop culture . . .
Postscript: A note of interest here is that this was originally composed on August 26th, 2004, exactly five months ago. [VH1 Popup]


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