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Monday, August 30, 2004

The Stormy Petrel's Flash Links of the Day

Macromedia Flash. It’s helped degrade the standards of animation and stagnate the quality of animation in the industry. But, it also has brought forth the means by which otherwise silent entities have created simple and entertaining cartoons. Hence, I shall linketh them.

Ill Will Press - More specifically, Neurotically Your’s and Foamy the Squirrel succeed at being my favourite Flash cartoon of all time. Fear my SQUIRRELY WRATH! I have it, you know . . . It’s one of my hidden nature things.

Happy Tree Friends - It’s violent, it makes no sense, and it’s a group of happy, colourful animals being mutilated horrendously. Everybody loves dead rabbits in bow-ties, right?

Homestar Runner - Look, it’s an internet phenomenon and I don’t even know why I’m bothering to link to it, because everybody and their sister’s vaginal warts knows about it already. Still, Strong Bad emails and random cartoons and games, it’s fun. Go. I’m sad that I’m flying.

College University - If you’ve ever wanted to see the Simpsons, but at college, then have at this. Beer dizawgs?

Newgrounds - It’s the breeding grounds for inane, retarded Flash animations, but an occasion gem finds its way out from the slop. It’s a fun place to poke around, and can equally give you a smile and give you a headache.

You’re A Fucking Moron - This is a series actually off of Zipperfish.com, but I link you to the Newgrounds area because Zipperfish is, as I just now discovered at work, a porn site. It’s all about a Hellion criticising celebrities for being idiots with an overly exaggerated British accent. Insert name here, you’re a . . . Fucking moron. Thank you, thank you.

Retarded Animal Babies - Another series off of Newgrounds, I enjoy it because it’s stupid and grotesque. Similar to Happy Tree Friends in that it has cheery woodland creatures doing unspeakable horrors — and self-aware of this fact — but definitely different enough to not be a copycat. I brought three po-ta-tos, a bucket of chicken, and . . . Satan.

Mario Brothers - Originally linked to by Penny Arcade, this is the epic, stirring tale of two, Italian brothers in a kingdom of mushrooms gone mad. Yes, it’s still incomplete, with only Part IV of V posted, but it’s good. Also, check out the other animations the author of this has done, because they’re crazy and entertaining. The Quadratic Formula is fun!

That is all.



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