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Tuesday, January 13, 2004


The colder I get, the slower it comes,
In the snow, I carve my image in the ice,
A mosiac built out of fragmented memories,
Blue and white specks of lost faces,
Gusts of cold fixate it for all time,
The colder I get, the slower it comes.

The masterpiece of wintry life,
Perfection in white peaks and cutting skies,
The quiet of the stoic forever-frozen,
In the caverns of polar regions,
The walls spell more than we know.

As the red Mercury moon teems,
Giants of old, drink and dance in the open,
Mythologies never twice spoken, fall in place,
Step into the Decemberland, greet the blizzard,
As the red Mercury moon teems, it comes so slow.

I don my coat and hope to be alone,
The rest all inside, teething cocoa in huddled shelter,
I walk the tundra to find needed solitude,
The plains of ageless frost, wrap me in still warmth,
I lift the icicle and draw my requited soul,
A piece rendered in the ghosts of longing untold,
The thousand thousand words hidden in the dark banks,
A picture of a man forgotten by his own mind,
The twisted contour of a pair of shut eyes,

I lift my pick, sculpt my dreams,
It melts in the sun, light wroughts the end,
I wan in the summer months, dip and misen,
Expended in the heat of Hell's hills,
I lay in the graveyard of modern society,
Ordained to preach the silent word of Frykka,
I lift my pick, sculpt my everlasting vision.

The masterpiece of wintry life,
Perfection in white peaks and cutting skies,
The quiet of the stoic forever-frozen,
In the caverns of polar regions,
The walls spell more than we know.

As I grow colder, the slower it comes,
My hope to list and wend without company,
My vow of silence, my prayer for the dead,
The freezing azure of my iced eyes,
The purest white of my loveless heart,
As I grow colder, the slower it comes.

As the red Mercury moon teems,
Pillars rust in concrete ruins, devil-darkened,
Stories spelt in foreign alphabets, glyphs of prophecy,
Born in raging Fire, lost in quiet Ice,
The universe, as it goes, is undone, again,
As the red Mercury moon teems.

I only want to be cold and alone.