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Sunday, March 30, 2003

A Change of Not-Quite-Brobdingnagian Proportion . . . Closer To Miniscule

As you may notice, if you happen to stumble upon this page by chance or intention and have been here in the past, I have changed the template and, thus, the look of this Blog. This wasn't really done so much out of a need for a new appearance, since I was fond of the old one and I had tweaked it quite a bit over time, but because it was the easiest way to upgrade the Blog from the old programming standards to the new one, therefore allowing me to actually update my archives and generate new pages aside from the home page. I believe I will grow to like this template more than the old one, anyway, and the only thing outright I've noticed is that there's some issues with fonts and header styles. I'll fix that later, perhaps even put up a substantial post. Now, I am off to read Marlowe and Shakespeare, write a paper or two, then launch myself into a twisted reality a la Stanley Kubrick.


" . . . Now I've learned / I've realised the truth about myself / It isn't who you are / It is what you do / It isn't what you do / It is who you are . . . " - Aghora's "Immortal Bliss"