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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Have a Sign, My Conrere (Observation of the Day)

You know what I'm officially sick of, and I've only seen it twice, now?

Fast food restaurants who close their lobbies earlier than their posted hours and don't post a fucking sign.

Yeah? You know what? I fucking understand that you may be understaffed: hell, most places aren't staffed enough to handle the lobby and drive-thru when both are open in the middle of the day. The barely homo sapian workers you have couldn't juggle a single damn billiard ball, let alone two. So, yeah, fucking whatever, you're understaffed so you close the lobby as early as seems convenient.

But, put up a FUCKING SIGN, alright? Let the general public know, the few, lingering souls who don't want to deal with the shitty fucking drive-thru speaker system and the numbskulls who can't understand an order even when said clear as day, THREE TIMES IN A ROW. Let us know that the door is fucking locked before we get out of our cars, walk up, and try the handle. A fucking hint would be nice, something to save me the trouble of figuring out, on my own, that your shitty little taco slash burger slash chicken hut is only open for business on wheels.

And I know you illiterate shitholes are standing inside and laughing everytime someone walks up and tries the door. "HUR, HUR! WE BE CLOSED, BITCH, GOTSTA GO 'ROUND DA DRIVE-THRU! HUR, HUR, HUR!" All of your fucking dicks are made of styrofoam and your vaginas have lice and crabs. Die. I hate you and your snide little glances and comments.

You're a fucking minimum-wage monkey, YOU ARE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE EXPRESSION OF ANYTHING EVEN RESEMBLING SMUG. You've got a shit job that a half-sentient toaster oven can perform equally as well, probably better in most cases. Wrap my fucking taco, fry my Goddamn chicken, keep your nasty, dry, wilted lettuce off my hamburgers, plus:


For lazy Americans everywhere.


Blogger Mike Da Hat wrote:

Can I have some fries with that?

Sat Dec 24, 05:39:00 AM EST  

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