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Friday, June 10, 2005

Wishing for Ingenuousness

Last summer was the Summer of Words. The summer before that was the Summer of Pictures. The summer before that was the Summer of Sleep. The summer anteceding that was the Summer of Books.

Summer is the season of vacation, usually, and when I am off of school, I am free to develop my identity, further. This summer, I've been in class and at work for most of every day, starting a week immediately after the final exams for the Spring. This has been . . . A tiring experience. I've never quite had a grasp on precisely how much I needed a vacation, to actually feel like I'm being anybody.

Honestly, if I didn't need the credits, I'd just drop the classes and stick to working four hours a day, during the week, and relax. Relaxing, inevitably, would entail some overarcing project to hone my skills as a human being. I've been playing a whole lot of that online roleplaying game I mentioned in an earlier post, and I think that's a direct result of needing some creative outlet to feel productive as a so-called artist. Otherwise, all I do is sit at work or sit in class, and neither has been stimulating, lately.

Must. Not. Burn. Out.


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