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Friday, October 01, 2004

I'll Call It "When Movies Attack"

WOMAN ONE: Hi, my name is Resident Evil: Apocalypse! I'm a completely trite, Hollywood piece of eye candy that hinges on the sex appeal of aggressive, dominant women as main characters. In truth, I wish I were more like Aliens.

WOMAN TWO: Really? Me, too! My name is Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, and I am totally all about selling a movie based on hot female leads and overdone CGI effects, as well. We should get together and hang out, sometime.

WOMAN ONE: Hey, wanna go beat up Catwoman? She's such a slut.

WOMAN TWO: Yeah, for real, girl!

[And this is when Ghost in the Shell 2 should swoop in to kick their asses.]

That's my movie idea, thank you.


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