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Monday, September 27, 2004

An Inner Monologue as Composed at One A.M.

"Hm, 'raped,' rape . . . A woman using the word 'rape' somehow makes it almost sexy. Wait, is that wrong, morally? Huh, I think I just struck a deep chord with my masculine nature, resonating loudly the double standards of society by which we live and learn . . . But, I say 'rape' all the time, am I sexy? No, no, I know I'm not . . . Maybe it's because I say 'rape' all the time? Am I a rapist Pokémon? Why did I just make a metaphor with a reference to Pokémon? Because I just had the image of an animated creatured hopping around and spouting, 'rape,' 'rape,' 'ra-ra-rape,' 'pe-ra-ra-pe-rape!' . . . I'm going to Hell. Oh well, I am reminded of that 'Rape Ape' story from . . . What was it? Penny Arcade? Grape Ape was a boring cartoon, Magilla Gorilla should've raped him. See? There's exactly why I'm not sexy. But, if I were a woman, that'd be sexy . . . Or would it? Yeah, it would, sadly enough . . . I'm exhausted and spent from spending an entire day focused on one subject [Editor: Flaubert, Madame Bovary, plus French literature and art movements] and I should go to bed, but not before I make an inane post on my Blog about this train of thought."

That is All; Thank You.



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