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Wednesday, April 28, 2004

My Privation

Allow me to present a debriefing on what it is that is going on with this Blog, as of late -- namely, the new format I've been following. Yes, that's right, you heard me: I do have a semblance of a rhyme or reason to what I put here. As of this point, things are mostly based on the day of the week; here's the calendar, of sorts, I use:
Monday: A day for absurdity and humour. I post random fiction (short stories, songs, poetry) meant to make laughter happen, or something like it.
Tuesday: A day wherein I wax poetics. Because I do like to think of myself as a "slight poet," this is when I would put any poem I felt it necessary to post on the site.
Wednesday: A day of anger, ranting, and raving. There is no end to the amount of stuff I have to say about any given subject, at any given time; therefore, this is when I will put that sort of entry up.
Thursday: A day to review. One of the oldest and most long-lasting themes of this Blog is the review, and that's mainly because I have tons of opinions about everything. Classically, I review movies, but I've been known to do other things, like books and bands; anyway, Thursday is the review-day.
Friday: A day I leave for revision. Sometimes, there won't be anything new on this site, so much as there will be revisions made to recent or old entries. It's kind of the day I "take off," per se, and just edit what I already have done.
Saturday: A day where I wander. This is the explicit location that I will insert those types of writings that tend to be meandering, aimless, and philosophical rambling. If you hate my incoherent babbling about life, love, religion, psychology, and so forth, then this is the day to skip.
Sunday: A day dedicated to fiction. The newest style of entry I've been exercising: fictional short story, this is my place to try and create an interesting story from my mind. Thusfar, you'll notice all the stories are inter-related, which is a trend I plan on continuing for awhile . . . Uh, until I stop. Yeah, you'll know when that is.
I figured that it would be nice of me to enlighten you, dear readers, on what I'm doing. Hopefully, this will bring a clearer logic to what transpires on a day-to-day basis on this little Blog o' mine.
Also, there is another matter I wish to address: May. (For one thing, it's an excellent, albeit disturbing movie.) I'm going to just . . . Take the month of May off, and not put anything new here. Think of it as a sabbatical, kind of, where the author vacations from his writing. Not that I don't enjoy writing what I put here -- I do, immensely -- but it's mostly for getting other things in my life in order. I plan on working on other projects of mine, trying to create some progress that is visible, and getting a handle on where I'm going with . . . Life. Sometimes, one must step back and evaluate the direction one has chosen to take; this is that time, for me.
Granted, if I have the itch to write something, I will do as I have always done and write it, but there just won't be any posts until June. Hopefully, I will have a nice cache of entries and ideas for the rest of the year, and I won't teeter off and fall flat on my face, like I have in the past, in regards to updating this.
I hope you have enjoyed everything I have lovingly created and shared here, thusfar on the wheel of time, and I promise I will return on the first of June.


"When I set out on this journey / I thought it would never end / When I started down that road / I could not see the end / And when I took that first step / I fell in so deep (So fucking deep) / And all the things that were so hard won / I thought I would always keep. Now what do you think I see / Standing like a wall in front of me / Defeat, not victory / Defeat, not victory / Defeat, not victory. So what are you going to do: die? (No) / You going to lay down and die? (No) / I will not admit defeat / I will not admit defeat / I will see victory." - Nomeansno, "Victory"