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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Not-So-Renascent (Bitch)

Someday, they're going to release a medical report showing that black and red peppers are somehow unhealthy or bad for you, and I am going to be royally fucked.

     Until that day, however, I will continue to enjoy mounds of ground, black and red pepper on everything. In fact, probably way past that day I will keep on keeping on, since I will be so thoroughly hosed—so exceptionally boned—by the sheer amount of pepper I would have already consumed up until that day, then I may as well go down with the ship, per se.

     Anyway, I've been meaning—meaning with extra italics—to complete my five-part "Of 2005" series of posts, but I am, A: lazy, B: consumed by video game violence a la San Andreas, and C: not paid for this shit. So . . . It'll happen, eventually.

Or not!


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