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Sunday, April 17, 2005

To Be Extant, Postpositive

If you give a fuck, go visit the newly-opened Official U.R.M. Companion.
       I'm thinking the purpose for this journal will be an excuse for me to revise old entries (again)—or, at least, one purpose for it. Do something along the lines of revise and update old entries in the Journal, creating a new version explicitly for the Companion, then link those in the old entries, themselves. It's an idea, I don't know; sounds good, but that doesn't mandate I follow through with it.
       The first entry is a little diatribe on Livejournals—very little, honestly. Nothing special, but I will append, here, that I really dislike the aesthetic of Livejournal a whole fucking lot. I think the part that primarily irks me is the switching between the Journal and the Entry/Comments page, where they feel it's necessary to switch everything to an ugly black-on-white, generic format. I've never seen a Livejournal that didn't do that, so I'm assuming not even paid members can fix that. "Blech," I say to that.
       On a side note: hey, is that my hideous mug? Yes, yes it is; in the Blogspot profile and on the Companion are pictures of me, in person, in my full glory. I've been feeling lately that a slight bit of identity construction would be a boon to this Blog, so I decided to attach a face to the words—not an impressive face, by any means, but a face.
       The pictures were extracted from a video project a friend did for her editting class, starring myself and my old roommate; it's a pretty amusing stint, an absurd exaggeration of the potential harm of the Patriot Act. There's a thirty second spiel of me doing nothing but making expressions of confusion, because she was never satisfied with any one of them and kept making me do more—eventually, she gave up, and just included a clip of four or five out of probably eleven or twelve. Picky director.
       Anyway, this entry is pretty mundane. It's supposed to be. The Official U.R.M. Companion is open, and that's about all I meant to say.



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