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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Magniloquent Madness

       I believe one of my so-called "problems" may be that I am a tad unsympathetic. It's not so much that I'm heartless, or depleted of any sense of pathos or whatnot, instead it's that I try and keep myself rather acutely aware of the potential tragedies in life. In other words, life could be a lot fucking worse, and you better have a good reason for me to feel sorry for you—not trying to say one has to prove their trauma to me, but it better not be some trivial shit.
       My definition of "trivial" is an issue, as well. It's probably lot more broad than most people's, because I am very much constantly attuned to the greater picture of life, or, at least, I try to be. In my deranged mind, there is an endless weighing of what I consider ultimate good versus instantenous bad, and everything that is instantaneously bad but not necessarily in any way hindering an "ultimate good" is probably not worth consideration; i.e., if it's not keeping you from coming out of whatever in a decent shape, then . . . Get over it.
       Especially, as it seems to stand in most cases, when it's your own fault that you're in the shit you're in, will I be a little cold. If you're putting yourself in an obviously bad situation, then you're . . . Dumb. Don't tell me how awful things are, because it's your own fucking idiocy that keeps it that way. Nobody primised you everything would be served on silver kitchenware, as they say, and I'm not here to try and demonstrate otherwise.
       And, no, I don't adhere to the retarded idea that everything is your own choice; you always have choices—there will always be some form of a choice available to make—but that doesn't make everything, in and of itself, a choice. The choice exists in that you can cope with shit as you see fit, and if you see fit to let it harm you, then, well . . . That's your own fucking problem, right there, on top of whatever else problem you have.
       However, I can't really focus straight, right now, because my vision is shaking due to a genetic condition that will inevitably cause my partial or complete blindness. I guess I'll just quit, eh?



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