I Feel Like Being Officious: Hey, Buddy, Screw Off!
Today, I don't feel like writing with a purpose or intent. Well, at least, not a specific purpose . . . I think I'll put some things here I've been intending to do, for awhile.
Oh, but first . . . Like every other good fantasy geek, I went and saw Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers in theatres on opening day. Failure Rating 0%. Need I even go into detail about that decision? In my opinion, it was like watching three more hours of the first movie, which is exactly what any good sequel should feel like. And I immensely enjoyed the first movie, (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: Failure Rating 0%) so it just goes to disprove the old adage that there can't be too much of a good thing. I'm sorry if you were looking forward to me devoting an entry to a review of The Two Towers, but I only really do reviews of any length for things I have problems with. Deconstructivism is more fun than constructivism.
Anyway . . . Firstly, I've been wanting to explain something. Despite the fact that nobody has asked about it, I want to explain where the titles for these entries come from, anyway. Except for the rare exception, I go to Dictionary.com and look at the Word of the Day. Then, I spend maybe twenty to forty seconds thinking of some clever usage of that word in a sentence that may or may not be relevant to what I'm posting about, and, presto, that's the title. What an amazing process, huh? Yeah, that explains why the titles tend to come off like the name of a show on PBS or some such. It's all for my own gain, it expands my vocabulary a little bit, and sometimes you get incredibly useful words from it. Like the one I used today, which was actually Thursday's Word of the Day:
officious \uh-FISH-uhs\, adjective:
Marked by excessive eagerness in offering services or advice where they are neither requested nor needed; meddlesome.
See? I think that word just fits this entire Blogspot too well to pass up. The entries that are titled without a Word of Day means I probably just didn't like the current word and used something else.
I'm still up in the air and open to suggestion for how to handle most of the "features" of this Blog, really. Features being, namely, the title, the formatting, and the presence or lack of presence of a header and footer. I like to put a little paragraph above the title, for completely random and pointless things, but, on occasion, I don't have that. I used to have a Quote of the Moment and a Currently Playing Song, but I stopped doing that, mostly because I didn't feel like they were worth doing. I may put them back, maybe just one or the other, depends on factors like demand or my motivation, or if I have a really good quote or not, you catch my drift.
At one point, I was actually tossing around the notion in my mind of inviting other people to post in this, have more than one writer than myself. I would, of course, act as Editor and moderate everything, but it would be an easy way for me to increase the content and interest factor for this thing without having to actually do more work. I don't know, though, I don't think there'd be anyone interested, honestly. This imaginary conversation comes to mind:
Right, so I never took any steps to bring onboard other writers. Maybe in the future, in a galaxy far, far away. Or, uh . . . In this one. Whatever works.
Ergh, you know, my problem is that I start writing for this with zeal and grand plans to lay down the best God damn entry ever, and then, I lose that zest. Like . . . Now.